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OK, Lets Talk COVID & Chinese Medicine

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

By Nikki Vanecek November 25,2020

Data continues to pour in every day as this virus continues to mutate. This information can be overwhelming if you are trying to keep up as information changes daily. Most conclusions are tentative as nobody know the identity or classification of the virus, making finding a treatment difficult from a biomedicine standpoint. From my understanding (as information increases daily) there are a different species of this virus which is why people have different symptoms.

I would never suggest that Chinese Medicine is a treatment for COVID – 19, what I will state is that Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for 3500+ years. “I’ll just be honest” and say I am pretty sure in 3500+ year Chinese Medicine has seen a lot of different virus.

Chinese Medicine has many different treatment strategies for health conditions, when it comes to viruses, Chinese Herbal Medicine is at the top list for treatment methods. Chinese Medicine is grounded in the universal astute knowing this medicine is strongest when treating patients for their symptoms they present not for the “named diagnosis” of their symptoms.

As health care practitioners, our patient’s health is priority #1 and the luxury our patients have at EastWest Acupuncture is we can create custom treatments, herbal medicines, and care plans. People can have the same conditions and symptoms however we will treat each person as an individual.

This time of year, we see patients come in with respiratory conditions, sleep issues, anxiety, SAD and many other seasonal conditions. When treating a virus our practitioners first decide what phase is the patient being treated for? There are four phases to an infection.

Phase one (the most important phase) PREVENTION We are seeing more and more people exposed to COVID on top of all the other viruses we have here in Minnesota in the winter. Prevention starts with hand washing, social distancing, and wearing a mask. The other most important aspect to prevention is strengthen your immune system with acupuncture and herbal medicine.

Phase Two Is typically after the initial exposure to a virus. Once you have been exposed to an external pathogen you will want to act quickly. The over the counter medicine help with the “symptoms” but nothing to help you fight off the virus. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine will cut the duration of the illness by at the very least 50%.

Phase Three This phase is where you have ignored all above signs and you are starting to feel HORRIBLE. There are stages to this phase mild, moderate, and HOUSE CALL… Phase Three is where you begin to suffer with stronger symptoms, possible organ function issues, and your recovery will be an up-hill battle. It will be tough but Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine will be able help you recover faster. Phase Four We will encourage you to seek western medical attention and we will treat you once you are on the mend. At this phase it is important that you are monitored and get the proper test to ensure the health of you and your organ functions. We are here for you! We will help you in every and any way we can, We Got You.



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